
Analog of the Dimensions module from React Native.



static addEventListener(type, handler)

Add an event handler. Supported events:

change: Fires when a property within the Dimensions object changes. The argument to the event handler is an object with window and screen properties whose values are the same as the return values of Dimensions.get('window') and Dimensions.get('screen'), respectively.

  • window - Size of the visible Application window
  • screen - Size of the device's screen


static get(dim)

Initial dimensions are set before runApplication is called so they should be available before any other require's are run, but may be updated later.

Example: const {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');


static removeEventListener(type, handler)

Remove an event handler.


static set(dims)

This should only be called from native code by sending the didUpdateDimensions event.